Energy & Resources
The Departments objectives
- To ensure a fully sustainable, secure and competitive energy market underpinned by energy efficiency, diverse sources of energy and robust infrastructure.
- To address climate change by meeting obligations in relation to the reduction of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions.
- To manage river, hydrocarbon and other geological resources in a sustainable and productive manner.
- To provide best practice corporate governance and regulatory systems in all sectors.
The Department provides services to the public and private companies, traders and community groups.
The Department oversees 18 agencies including
- Inland Fisheries Ireland responsible for the protection and management and conservation of inland fisheries resources (Fisheries Act 2010).
- Loughs Agency a Cross border body for the protection and development of the Foyle and Carlingford catchment areas.
- Sustainable Energy Ireland, promoting sustainable energy structures, technologies and practices.
- EirGrid provision of the electricity transmission structure, ESB energy supply services.
- Bord Gáis, gas.
- Bord na Móna, turf, peat, solid fuel.
- The Commission for Energy Regulation, regulating the energy sector.
- The Mining Board, responsible for the award and adjudication on mining licenses.
- The National Oil Reserves Authority responsible for the strategic management of oil stocks.
- The Ordnance Survey Ireland, the national mapping agency.
- Irish National Petroleum Corporation, obligations in relation to business assets of Whitegate refinery and Bantry storage.
- The Corporate Finance and Planning Division maintains and supports financial management, program evaluation and analysis and the coordination of the Departments’ agenda and various other forums.
Support Services
- The  Accounts and Finance Unit,
- Procurement Policy Unit and Corporate Services Division,
- Coordination Unit,
- Health and Safety Unit,
- Information Assistance Unit,
- Human Resources Division Unit,
- Press and Information Unit.
Energy Divisions
The Inland Fisheries Division is responsible for the conservation, management and regulation of inland fisheries. It is achieved through corporate governance of inland fisheries and the Loughs Agency. There were formerly the  Central and seven Regional Fisheries Board.
The Exploration and Mining Division seeks to promote the discovery of economic mineral deposits and maximise the contribution to the national economy having regard to social and environmental impact. It administers the Mineral and Development Acts and is also responsible for the Ordnance Survey of Ireland.
The Petroleum Affairs Division seeks to maximise oil and gas exploration and production activities, with a view to optimising return to the State. It ensures that the regulatory framework is robust and clear. It seeks to maximise the continental shelf area under Irish jurisdiction.
The Geological Survey of Ireland contributes to national development by assisting stakeholders with the best available geological information.
The Energy Efficiency and Affordability Division seeks to implement energy-efficient policies in accordance with the energy policy framework of the program for government and the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan.
The electricity regulation section implements the regulatory framework for EU electricity policy. It is responsible for regulatory policy and deals with Ireland’s interest at EU level.
The gas regulation section formulates and implements the policy relating to liberalisation of gas.
The security of electricity and gas supply section ensures that the necessary framework is in place to safeguard the supply of gas, oil and energy efficiency. It works with the Commission for Energy Regulations.
The Renewable and Sustainable Energy Division implements policies in the area of sustainable energy, including recycling and various bio-energy projects.
The Oil, Gas, Grid and Peat Corporate Division, undertakes corporate governance in respect of Bord Gáis Éireann, EirGrid, Bord na Móna, National Oil Reserves Agency and The Irish National Petroleum Corporation.
The Electricity Corporate, North and South Division is responsible for the administration of electricity, affairs of ESP and all-Ireland Energy issues including the facilitation of the All-Ireland Energy policy.
The Exploration and Mining Division deals with the grant of prospecting licenses for mineral exploration. It deals with the corporate governance of the geological.
The Department deals with the corporate governance of the OSI,
The Department deals with the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme. This relates to the classification of diamonds entering the diamond trade.  The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme places obligations in relation to certification of origin of rough diamonds.
The Petroleum Affairs Division provides authorisations for petroleum exploration and production activities offshore.
Energy Agencies
- he Commission for Energy Regulation, under the Electricity and Gas Regulations Act 1999 to 2002 regulates the electricity and natural gas sector in Ireland. It promotes competition and protects consumer interests. It licenses electricity and natural gas companies. It regulates suppliers of services to ensure that supply is safe, secure and reliable.
- The Department of the Marine and Natural Resources operated from 1997 to 2002. The Department of the Marine was a Department of itself from 1987 to 1997. The Department of Transport operated from 1980 to 1984. In its second incarnation it existed from 2002.
- The National Oil Reserve Agency was established in 1995 and was a subsidiary of The Irish National Petroleum Corporation established in 1979. In 2007 it was established as a State agency.
- The Energy Advisory Bureau was formed in 1994 and its functions were taken over in 2002 by Sustainable Energy Ireland.
- Bord na Móna was incorporated under the Turfs Development Act 1946. It is now Bord na Móna PLC.
- Fuel Importers (Eire) Limited was established in 1940 and dissolved in 1959.
- EirGrid was incorporated under the Electricity Regulation Act 1999 as of February 2001.
- NÃtrigin Éireann Teoranta was established to acquire and hold the State’s share in Irish fertilisers in 1961. It ceased on 1 December 2008.
- Timber Importers Limited was incorporated in 1939 and ceased in 1950.
- Bord Gáis Éireann was incorporated under the Gas Act 1976. It was established as a limited company in 1975 and converted into a Statutory Corporation under the 1976 Act.
- The Electricity Supply Board was incorporated under the Electricity Supply Act 1927.
- The Turf Development Board was established in 1934. It was replaced by Bord na Móna in 1946.T