Beef Data and Genomics Programme
The Beef Data and Genomics Programme (BDGP) is approved under Article 28 of Regulation 1305/2013 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
As with all area based rural development schemes the Regulations require that the scheme is of 5 to 7 years duration. The BDGP runs for 6 years and applies from 2015 to 2020.
- To lower the intensity of GHG emissions by improving the quality and efficiency of the national beef herd.
- To improve the genetic merits of the national beef herd through the collection of data and genotypes of selected animals which will allow for the application of genomic selection in the beef herd.
It is expected that through the use of genotyping and data collection that farmers will be more easily able to identify the best breeding stock from which to source their replacement animals and that the selection of these higher quality animals will ultimately lead to a reduction in emissions from the agricultural sector in Ireland.
The Programme is open to suckler farmers, who are over 18 years of age and have a valid herd number, or have applied for a herd number by the closing date of this Programme. Applicants will not be permitted to participate in the Programme if on the closing date there are any animals, born in 2012, 2013 or 2014, that are persistently infected with BVD. Animals born in 2015, and subsequent years, must be removed to a knackery within 7 weeks of a positive or inconclusive test result. Compliance with BVD requirements will be monitored on annual basis and failure to comply will result in disqualification from the Programme.
An application to participate in the Programme had to be submitted by 5 June 2015. Participants will also be required to apply for payment under the Programme each year which will be included on their Basic Payment Scheme application.
Payments under the Programme
Payments will be made annually on the basis of a maximum payable area (MPA) which is calculated by dividing the number of suckler cows that calved in the herd in 2014 by a stocking rate of 1. 5. This land must have been deemed eligible forage land on the 2014
Single Payment Scheme application. In certain limited circumstances it was possible to use calved cows and eligible land declared in 2015.
Payments will be made on the lower of the MPA or the eligible forage land declared at the rate of €142.50 for the first 6.66 hectares and €120 on the remaining hectares
Requirements of the Programme
• Provision of sire number and calving ease survey
• Completion of a range of surveys relating to the cows, calves and bulls
• Genotyping 60% of animals each year, the cost of genotyping will be deducted from the farmers payments. In 2014 under the Beef genomics scheme this test cost €30 per test however the ICBF have a tender out for this work now and so the cost is expected to be less than €30 and also to fall further over the duration of the scheme
• Completion of a carbon navigator by 31 Oct 2016. This will be undertaken in conjunction with an approved advisor (who the Department will pay). This will be updated annually through the submission of data to ICBF
• Completion of a training course covering the requirements of the BDGP and advice on how to interpret the eurostar index. This course has to be undertaken by 31 October 2016
• Replacement strategy
Participants are required to have a bull on the holding which must be genotyped four or five star on either the terminal or replacement index (on an across or within breed basis) from 30 June 2019 to 30 June 2020. If renting a bull it must be four or five star on either
the terminal or replacement index (on an across or within breed basis) from 30 June 2016. If using AI at least 80% four or five star on either the terminal or replacement index (on an across or within breed basis) from 30 June 2016.
Female replacements
Programme applicants are required to ensure that a percentage of their heifers/eligible suckler cows (rounded to the nearest animal) are genotyped females that are:
• Four or five stars on the replacement index (on a within breed or on a cross breed basis) at the time of purchase (for heifers brought into the herd) or at the time of genotyping (for those replacements bred within the herd).
Where a non-genotyped replacement heifer is purchased, this animal must be subsequently genotyped and confirmed four or five stars on the replacement index (on a within or an across breed basis) before being deemed eligible for the Programme.
• at least 16 months old and;
• born in 2013 or later, if brought into the herd after 5 June 2015.
The number of heifers/eligible suckler cows meeting these requirements on each holding on 31st October 2018 must be equivalent to 20% of the number of the applicant’s reference animals (advised to applicants upon acceptance into the Programme), and on 31st October 2020 must be equivalent to 50% of the number of the applicant’s reference animals.