Light Rail Operation
General speed limits applicable to road traffic apply to light railways. The Minister may make regulations prescribing speeds for light rail vehicles in particular places. Prior notice is to be given to the local authority or Garda Commissioner whose representations are to be taken into account.
It is an offence for a person to drive a light rail vehicle at a speed exceeding the relevant limit. It is an offence for a person to drive a light rail vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant.
Licence and Insurance
The road traffic provisions are applied. A person who is disqualified from holding a driving license cannot drive a light rail vehicle on a public road.
Light rail vehicles are subject to compulsory insurance in the same manner as road vehicles. Minimum qualifications and competence requirement may be set by the Minister for drivers of light rail vehicles.
Light rail vehicles are subject to the obligations to give information to members of Garda SÃochána applicable to the Road Traffic Act.
The provisions of the Road Traffic Act in relation to taking a road vehicle without consent apply to a light rail vehicle.
Road Impact
The provisions in the Road Traffic Act in relation to weights of vehicles are disapplied.
A may not  open or excavate a public road on which there is a light railway without prior consent of the road authority. The views of the Agency must also be obtained and their representations must also be taken into account.
A person who attempts to use a railway built pursuant to a railway order with a vehicle with wheel suitable for use, without consent of the undertaking is guilty of an offence subject to a fine of up to €2,000 Euro and six months imprisonment or both.
Road Opening
A person who trespasses on the railway that is not a public road is guilty of an offence of summary conviction subject to a fine of up to €600. The railway undertaking must show that at the date of trespass there is a sign at nearest to the point where the trespass is taking place warning persons not to trespass on the railway. The offence is not committed by persons lawfully crossing accommodation works.
Bye-Laws / Regulation
The Minister, Agency or railway undertaking with the consent of the Agency may make bylaws for the management, control, operation and regulation built pursuant to a railway order. It may also make regulations in relation to repair, improvement and extension thereof. It may include regulations in relation to prevention of nuisances in or on railway vehicles/
It may make regulation in relation to
- the times of arrivals and departures of railway vehicles
- removal of anything from the railway line which is a danger to health operation and maintenance of the vehicle or would interfere with its proper operation.
- fixing of fares, tolls and charges
- general regulation of use of railway vehicles
- safe custody and delivery of property found.
Bye laws make  ancillary and other provisions as the Minister or Agency considers necessary. Breach of the bylaws are subject on summary conviction to a fine up to €400.
Enforcement / Offences
Members of Garda SÃochána who reasonably suspects an offence has been committed may arrest a person without a warrant or require him to give his name and address.  If he fails to do so or gives a name which the Garda reasonably believes to be false or misleading may be arrested without a warrant.
Failure to give a correct name and address or to give a false or misleading address is subject to summary conviction of a fine of up to €500.