Rules of the Road
The Regulations
The “Rules of the Road” is a publication based on the general traffic and parking regulations. It is published by the Department and updated frequently. They describe the obligations in the regulations in more user-friendly terms with practical illustrations
The Road Traffic (Traffic and Parking) Regulations, as amended in effect comprise the Rules of the Road. The “Rules of the Road as published by the Department of the Environment reflects these regulations together with a range of associated matters relevant to road traffic and driving. Contravention of the Rules of the Road is subject to the general penalty under the Road Traffic Act.
The Rules of the Road are highly material in personal injury cases arising from road traffic accidents. Typically, road traffic claims are based on negligence and/or breach of Rules of the Road. The claim commonly alleges that the defendant in breach of his common law duty of care and/or provisions of the Rules of the Road, has caused damage or loss by way of personal injury to the claimant typically resulting from a road traffic accident or incident.
The regulations apply, save where compliance is not possible as a result of obstruction, traffic or pedestrians or because of an emergency situation confronting a road user which could not reasonably have been expected or anticipated.
Breach of the general traffic regulations is subject to the general penalty. Usually, the registered owner has a defence in respect of the use of the vehicle where he can show that the use was unauthorised.
Breach of the principal regulations is subject to fixed penalty notices and the specified number of points. On conviction in court, the general penalty applies in most cases. Breach of the general regulations may also constitute other offences in the circumstances.
In many cases the penalty points may be one with a relatively modest fixed charge penalty of €60 to €120.
Basic Driving Obligations
A vehicle shall not drive at a speed exceeding that which will enable its driver to bring it to a halt within the distance which the driver can see to be clear.
Save as otherwise indicated by a traffic sign, a vehicle shall yield right of way where a provision following shall apply. When starting from a stationary position, a driver shall yield the right of way to other traffic and pedestrians. A driver of a vehicle approaching a road junction shall yield right of way to another vehicle which has commenced to turn or cross at the junction in accordance with the Regulations and to a pedestrian who has commenced to cross at the junction.
A driver of a vehicle entering a public road from a place which is not a public road shall yield the right of way to all vehicles and pedestrians proceeding in either direction along the public road. A driver of a vehicle approaching a road junction by a road which is not a major road shall, notwithstanding that there is no traffic sign indicating that the last mentioned road is a major road, yield the right of way to traffic and pedestrians on the major road. A driver approaching a road other than this type of road must yield right of way to traffic and pedestrians approaching the junction from the right by another road.
A driver of a vehicle approaching a road junction intending to turn right at the junction shall yield the right of way to a vehicle approaching the same from the opposite direction and intending to proceed through or turn left at the junction. A driver shall not drive from one traffic lane to another without yielding the right of way to traffic in that other lane.
Save where otherwise required by Regulation, a vehicle shall be driven on the left hand side of the roadway in such a manner so as to allow, without danger or inconvenience to traffic or pedestrians, approaching traffic to pass on the right and overtaking traffic to overtake on the right.
When entering a roundabout, a driver shall turn to the left.
Some Exceptions
Prohibition on the entry of a vehicle to a road or area or the prohibition on the stopping or parking of a vehicle imposed by the regulations does not apply to
- a vehicle used in connection with the removal of an obstruction,
- a vehicle being used in connection with the road works,
- a fire brigade engine, ambulance or vehicle being used by a member of An Garda Síochána in performance of their duties;
- a vehicle which has been damaged or has broken away, during the period necessary to effect repairs to the vehicle or remove it from the location;
- a prohibition on the parking of a vehicle subject to conditions , shall not apply to a vehicle parked while goods are being loaded in or to it or unloaded from it, for a period not exceeding thirty minutes from the commencement of parking.
The general restriction on parking of a vehicle does not apply to a vehicle parked at the edge of a roadway while a passenger is entering or leaving it or a vehicle parked while goods are being loaded into or unloaded from it, for a period not exceeding thirty minutes from the commencement.
A driver of a vehicle or a pedestrian shall comply with a direction given by a member of An Garda Síochána for the regulation or controlling traffic. A direction given by a member of An Garda Síochána which is inconsistent with the Regulations may override that provision.
A driver shall not overtake or attempt to overtake, if to do so would endanger or cause inconvenience to any other person. A driver shall not overtake or attempt to overtake, unless the roadway ahead of the driver is free from approaching traffic, pedestrians and any obstruction and is sufficiently long and wide to permit the overtaking to be completed without danger or inconvenience to other pedestrians or traffic.
A driver shall not overtake or attempt to overtake on a stretch of roadway where a “no overtaking” sign has been provided. Subject to the below, a driver shall overtake on the right and shall not move in towards the left until it is safe to do so.
A driver may only overtake on the left
- where the driver of the vehicle about to be overtaken has indicated an intention to turn to the right and the driver of the overtaking vehicle intends to after overtaking, to go straight ahead or to the left,
- where the driver of the overtaking vehicle intends, after overtaking to turn left at the next road junction and has signalled this intention,
- in slow moving traffic, where vehicles in the traffic lane on the driver’s right are moving more slowly than the overtaking vehicle.
Turning at Junctions & Reversing
A driver of a vehicle approaching a road junction shall drive on the left side of the roadway if intending to turn left at the junction; subject to the next paragraph, drive close to the centre of the road if intending to turn right at the junction or drive on the right hand side of the roadway when on a one-way roadway which is wide enough for more than one lane of traffic, if intending to turn right at the junction.
Before reversing, a driver shall ensure that to so reverse would not endanger other traffic or pedestrians. A driver shall not reverse onto a major road from another road. A driver shall not reverse from a place adjacent to a major road onto a public road save where it is clear to the driver that to so reverse would not endanger other traffic or pedestrians.
Pedestrian and Cycle Paths
A vehicle shall not be driven along or across a footway. This does not apply to a vehicle driven for the purpose of access and egress from a place adjacent to the footway. Driving along a footway, includes reference to driving wholly or partly along a footway.
Where cycle markings are provided, the part of road to which they relate shall be a cycle track. The periods of operation of a cycle track may be indicated on an information plate which may be in accordance with a particular traffic sign. All pedal cycles must be driven on a cycle track where one is provided.
Where a cycle track is one-way, pedal cycles shall be driven in the same direction as traffic on the side of the roadway adjacent to which the cycle track is required to travel. Where a cycle track is two-way, pedal cycles shall be driven as near as possible to the left hand side of each lane.
A mechanically propelled vehicle, other than a mechanically propelled wheelchair, shall not be driven along or across a cycle track. This includes driving wholly or partly along or across a cycle track. The provision does not apply to a vehicle being driven for the purpose of access to or egress from a place adjacent to the cycle track or from a roadway to such a place.
A vehicle shall not be driven along or across a median strip.
A driver or pedestrian approaching a railway level crossing at which level crossing traffic lights have been provided shall not, while the red lights are flashing, proceed beyond the stop line or barrier or half barrier. Where the driver of a vehicle is approaching a railway level crossing at which there is an amber light, he shall not proceed past the sign or traffic light where such sign is provided in association with the traffic lights, save where the vehicle is so close to the traffic sign that it cannot safely be stopped before passing the traffic signs.
A driver approaching a railway crossing at which there is yellow box shall not enter either totally or partly the area covered by the traffic sign, unless the vehicle can clear the area without stopping, notwithstanding any indication to the contrary given by a traffic signal at the level crossing.
The local authority may prescribe stands and stopping places for buses. There are general byelaws in relation to the obligations of drivers in the vicinity of bus stops and stands. There are obligations on bus drivers in relation to bus stop areas and signs.
There are rules in relation to taking on and letting of passengers. There are obligations on users of buses in relation to conduct at bus stops and on buses.
Bus Lane
A person shall not enter a bus lane (as indicated by particular traffic signs) with a vehicle other than an omnibus or a pedal cycle during the period of operation of the bus lane which shall be indicated on an information plate. A person shall not enter a contra flow bus lane with a vehicle other than an omnibus. A person shall not enter a bus only street with a vehicle other than an omnibus except for the purpose of access.
There are exceptions for entry or crossing of a bus lane or contra flow solely for the purpose of entering or leaving adjacent premises or entering or leaving a road adjacent to such bus lane in order to load and unload goods. The restriction on entry of the bus lane does not apply to taxis or a wheelchair accessible taxis being used in the course of their business.
A driver on a motorway
- shall not drive a vehicle against the direction of traffic flow;
- shall not drive a vehicle in or across part of the motorway which is not a carriageway;
- shall not stop or park a vehicle on the motorway;
- shall not drive a vehicle whose ordinary speed limit is not more than 50 mph and which is prescribed by regulations in the traffic lane nearest the right hand edge of a carriageway having more than one traffic lane except where it is necessary to proceed in that lane due to an obstruction or because another lane or lanes are for the time being closed to traffic;
The prohibitions do not apply to any part of the motorway provided for parking of vehicles, provision of services or amenities. The prohibition shall not apply to vehicles stopped on a carriageway while it is prevented from proceeding by an obstruction, a vehicle that has been involved in an accident or is broken down.
On a motorway, the driver or other person in charge of a vehicle which has been involved in an accident or cannot proceed because of breakdown, mechanical defect or emergency shall as soon as and insofar as possible, drive or move the vehicle from the carriageway to the nearest available space to the left of the left hand edge of the carriageway so that no part of the vehicle extends on to the carriageway.
He should use the nearest available telephone as soon as possible to notify Garda Síochána of the accident, breakdown or other circumstance necessitating stopping. The driver or other person in charge of a vehicle to which this provision applies shall not allow the vehicle to remain parked on the motorway for longer than necessary and for this purpose shall accept an offer of assistance or service by a member of an Garda Síochána or an employee or agent of the road authority.
A vehicle being driven on a dual carriageway may not change direction of travel at a location where a “No U-Turn” sign has been provided.
Each carriageway of a dual carriageway is deemed a separate roadway and where there is a traffic refuge on a roadway, the portion of the roadway on each side of the refuge shall be deemed a separate roadway.
Pedestrians & Cyclists
A pedestrian must exercise care and take all reasonable precautions to avoid danger or inconvenience to traffic and other pedestrians. A pedestrian facing a traffic light lamp which shows a red light shall not proceed beyond that lamp. A pedestrian about to cross a roadway at a place where pedestrian lights have been provided shall only do so when the light of the facing pedestrian lights emits a constant green light.
Subject to the below, when crossing a roadway, a pedestrian shall use a footway if one is provided and if one is not provided, shall keep as near as possible to the right edge of the roadway. At a road junction where traffic is controlled by either traffic lights or a member of An Garda Síochána, a pedestrian shall cross the roadway only when traffic going in the direction in which the pedestrian intends to cross is permitted to proceed.
Within a pedestrian crossing complex as indicated by traffic sign, a pedestrian shall only cross the roadway at the location of the “pedestrian crossing” traffic sign. On a roadway on which a “pedestrian crossing” traffic sign has been provided, a pedestrian shall not cross the roadway within 15 metres of the crossing, except by the crossing.
A pedal cyclist shall not drive a pedal cycle on a roadway in such a manner as to result in more than two pedal cyclists driving abreast, save where overtaking other pedal cyclists and then only if to do so shall not endanger, inconvenience or obstruct other traffic or pedestrians. Pedal cyclists on a roadway shall cycle in single file when overtaking other traffic.
A driver meeting or overtaking an animal on a road shall take all reasonable precautions, including where appropriate, stopping the vehicle, before meeting the animal.
A person in charge of animals which are being driven along a roadway shall take reasonable care to ensure
- that the animals does not obstruct traffic or pedestrians;
- save when being driven to or from land or premises, the animal is not on a cycle track or footway and
- that the traffic overtaking the animal has room to do so in safely.
A person leading or riding a horse on a roadway shall do so on the left side of the road.
During lighting-up hours, a person in charge of animals on a road shall ensure that an adequate warning, which is visible for a reasonable distance, is given to other road users approaching the animals.