Dept Taoiseach
The Department of the Taoiseach provides the government secretariat for the government and any several cabinet committees. It ensures the efficient and orderly conduct of business including notification on ministers’ offices of decisions of government. It maintains records on the submission of matters to the government and conclusions.
The Taoiseach’s private office provides the Taoiseach with support in respect of parliamentary and other obligations and supports his role as head of government. It manages domestic and foreign engagements to ensure that time is used productively. It provides for the processing of all internal and external communications.
The government Chief Whips office supports service to the government chief whip.
The Minister of State for European Affairs section provides support for the Minister of State. It manages the Minister’s commitments in domestic and foreign engagements to ensure that time is used productively.
The Protocol and General division maintain state protocol including protocol for the Taoiseach and Ministers for State in the office. It deals with relations between the Government and the President, including liaison with the office of the President. It liaises with the principal legal offices of the State. It assists in the implementation of the government legislative program and program of Oireachtas reforms.
The Government Press Office and Government Information Service provide information to the media on governmental matters and to the public. The Government press secretary advises the Taoiseach on media relations. The communications unit provides a media reference information service for government ministers and departments.
The Northern Ireland and International division support the Taoiseach in carrying out responsibilities in this area together with the Departments of Justice and Foreign Affairs. It deals with law reform, strategic policy development and communication and coordinates implementation of the Good Friday agreement. It supports the Taoiseach’s participation in the North-South Ministerial Council, the British Irish Council and in contacts with the United States.
The European and International Affairs Division supports the Taoiseach as member of the European Council and on European and international responsibilities. It coordinates and contributes to the development of government policy and strategy in Ireland’s role on EU issues in conjunction with the Department of Foreign Affairs and other relevant departments. It identifies current and prospective issues on the European Union agenda which affect Ireland’s interests.
The Information Society policy unit advises the Taoiseach on all aspects of the knowledge society policy. It coordinates the development and implementation of policy on Ireland’s knowledge society initiative. It monitors and reports progress in implementing the government’s action plan for the knowledge society. It manages the ASC fund initiative. It monitors and reports progress in implementing the i2010 Action Plan. It provides the secretariat to the e-strategies group of secretary-general.
Economic and Social Policy
The Economic and Social Policy division advises the Taoiseach on economic and social policy including social partnership. It coordinates the development and implementation of policy on key issues such as unemployment, infrastructure, poverty and social inclusion. It provides a secretariat to the cabinet committee on housing infrastructure and PPP. It provides the cabinet secretariat to the Cabinet committee on social inclusion, health. It liaises us with the National Statistics Board, National Economic and Social Development office and the National Competitiveness Council.
It has a lead role in monitoring, implementing and negotiating non-pay related policy objectives in the national programs with social partner. It provides the secretariat for social partnership and steering groups. It formulates and coordinates policy on the financial services industry. It provides the secretariat to certain working groups in relation to financial services, the pan-European Pensions task force and Asset Management task force.
The social partnership and public service modernisation division played a leading role in negotiation, monitoring and implementation of social partnership agreements, servicing the national implementation body, supporting the work of national centre for partnership and performance.
It develops the program of public service modernisation through coordination, formulation, development of modernisation, programs for the civil and wider public service. It supports the implementation group of secretaries general and subgroups charged with development-specific aspects of the modernisation program.
It works with departments and offices in the wider public service in implementing modernisation agenda. It promotes the quality of regulation through the government’s White Paper, Regulating Better. It introduces a policy of regulatory impact analysis for the purpose of evidence-based policymaking. It supports better regulation initiatives at the EU and international levels.
Support Services
The corporate affairs division deals with personnel, management services, archives, library, finance and IT for the department.
The personnel service is responsible for staff organisation and management including policy and strategic advice and administration. It provides a central repository of departmental personnel files.
The library provides a library and information service to the department. The change management unit supports and implements the program for change management processes in the department.
The Training Unit provides staff training and development. It provides information for the department’s website.
The Finance unit deals with the department’s financial resources and provides financial services to the Taoiseach, Minister for State and certain other senior officers.
The information and IT unit has responsibility for the department’s IT functions.
The internal audit unit has responsibility for verifying compliance and efficiencies.