The Department of Finance was established in 1924. In 2011 the Department of Public Expenditure took over certain public expenditure aspects of the Department of Finance.
A Department of Public Enterprise was established in 1997 and lasted till 2002. A Department of the Public Service was established in 1973 and lasted till 1987 when its functions were transferred to the Department of Finance.
The Department of Supplies existed during the emergency/second world war. A Department of Economic Planning and Development existed from 1977 until 1980 when its functions were transferred back to the Department of Finance.
The Revenue Commissioners collect tax and duties and implement import and export controls. They are responsible for almost all taxes. It carries out work in other departments including, in particular, the collection of PRSI for the Department of social protection.
The Office of Public Works deals with property and construction-related for many state bodies. There are six units, project management services, property management services, property maintenance services, architectural services, engineering services and government supplies agency.
The Central Bank is responsible for monetary policy issues, financial stability, economic analysis, currency and payment systems. It is a member of the European System of Central Banks.
The Irish Financial Services Appeal Tribunal hears appeals from the central bank/financial services ombudsman.
The Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman is funded by financial service providers. It deals independently with complaints of consumers in relation to financial service matters. It has the power to award compensation.
The Credit Union advisory committee was established under the Credit Union act 2007 to act as an advisor to the Minister for Finance on credit union issues.
The ERDF and Cohesion Funds control unit was established in 1998.
Icarom plc is held by the state as part of the residuary of the windup of the Insurance Corporation of Ireland in 1985.
The National Treasury Management Agency was established in 1990 to manage the national debt and borrow on behalf of the state. It is responsible for the national pensions reserve funds, the state claims agency, social insurance fund, central treasury services, national development finance agency, and consultancy services.
The National Development Finance Agency operates through the NTMA. It was established to advise government departments and agencies on the best methods of financing capital projects for traditional procurement or PPP to achieve value for money and to advise on all aspects of financing, refinancing and insurance of PPP projects.
The National Pension Reserve Fund Commission was established to build up funds to deal with future public service pensions.
The National Treasury Management Agency has designated the State Claims agency under National Treasury Management Agency Amendment Act 2000. It deals with claims management, and risk management functions delegated to it by the government.
The National Lottery was established in 1986, and the original license was granted to the national lottery company. This was extended to 2012.
The state laboratory provides government departments and offices with analytical, advisory services.
The Office of the Information Commissioner reviews decisions of bodies in relation to freedom of information requests.
The office of the Ombudsman seeks to help achieve a public service that is open, fair and accountable. It is also responsible for the Standards in Public Office Commission and the Referendum Commission.
The Office of Comptroller and Auditor General control flows in and out of the exchequer. It audits government departments and other funds controlled by the state.
The Public Appointments Service is a centralised provider of recruitment, assessment and selection procedures for the civil service. It also provides recruitment and consultancy service to health authorities, local authorities and Garda Siochana and other public bodies.
The Commission for Public Service appointments is an independent body regulating public service recruitment. It establishes standards, quality and fairness in recruitment and selection of persons for the civil service, Garda Siochana and other public service bodies including the HSE. It licenses public service bodies to recruit on their own behalf with the assistance of private sector management agencies approved by it.
The Valuation Office maintains a uniform and equitable valuation base for commercial rates raised by local authorities. It also provides a property valuation consultancy service for government departments and offices. It is controlled by a commissioner appointed by the Minister for Finance. It is independent in its functions.
The Valuation Tribunal comprises 14 members appointed by the Minister for Finance. It hears and determines appeals against rates valuation of commercial properties decided by the Commissioners for Valuation.
The special EU programs body is a joint North-South body under the Belfast agreement. It is under the political direction of the North-South Ministerial Council. Costs are met equally by the Northern and Southern finance departments.The body manages the program for peace and reconciliation and the Northern Ireland-Ireland intereg programs.
The Disabled Drivers Medical Board of Appeal deals with appeals under disabled drivers and disabled passengers tax concession regulations. These are appeals from the refusal by the medical officer of the HSE to the issue of a primary medical service deeming a person medically eligible for the scheme.
The Appeals Commissioner hears appeals by taxpayers against decisions of the Revenue Commissioners in respect of tax.
A number of private bodies in the economic sphere receives funding from the Department. The Institute of Public Administration is a private company financed by fees for programs and grants by the Department of Finance. It promotes the study and improves standards of public administration.
The Economic and Social Research Institution is a private company that receives grants from the Department of Finance. Its objective is to provide high-quality economic and social research focusing on Ireland’s social and economic development in order to inform policy and societal understanding.
The Top-Level Appointments Committee was established in 1984. It recommends candidates for the most senior appointments in the civil service. It deals with posts at or above assistant level, secretary level or equivalent across the service. A number of units have decentralised
The centre for management and organisation development is responsible for training and development policy in the civil service. It is responsible for the advancement and support of public service modernisation, provision of an effective advisory and support service in the area of organisation development in the public service.
The Appeal Commissioners were established in 1968 and replaced pre-existing Special Commissioners. The Comptroller and Auditor General was established by the Comptroller and Auditor General Act 1923 and is recognised by the Constitution. It is still active.
The North-South Ministerial Council was established by the British Irish Agreement Act 1999. The Office of Public Works was established as the Commissioner of Public Works in 1831. It incorporates the Government Supplies Agency.
The Revenue Commissioners were established in 1923 under the Revenue Commissioners Order 1923. The Special Commissioners were established in 1842 and replaced in 1968 by the Appeals Commissioners.
The Standards in Public Office Commission was established in 2001 under the Standards in Public Office Commission Act 2001. It replaced the Public Offices commissions which were established under the Ethics in Public Office act 1995.
The Irish Financial Services Appeals Tribunal was established under the Central Bank and Financial Services Regulatory Authority Act 2004.
Marsh’s library was established in 1707 and is still active.
The Civil Service Commissioners were established in 1924 and replaced in 1957 under the Civil Service Regulation act 1956. The Civil Service Commissioner operated from 1957 until 2004. The Civil Service Commissioners and Local Appointment Commissioners were dissolved and substituted by the Commission for Public service Appointments in 2004.
The Credit Union Advisory Committee was established in 1966 and is still active. The Dormant Funds Disbursement Board was established in 2002 and replaced by the Dormant Accounts Board in 2006.
The Farm Classification Office was established in 1985 under the Farm Tax act and ceased in 1987 when the tax was removed.
The National Centre for Performance and Partnership was established in 2001 and was replaced by the new National Economic and Social Development office in 2010. The National Economic and Social Council was established in 1973 and became part of the National Economic and Social Development office established in 2007.
The National Economic and Social Forum was established in 1993. It was given new roles in 1997 monitoring national policy process and in 2003, consultations on public policy issues. It is part of the Economic and Social Development Office established in 2007 and is absorbed into the National Economic and Social Council.
The National Library of Ireland was established in 1877 and is still active. It was established as a standalone cultural institution under the National Cultural Institutions Act. It was ultimately replaced by the Heritage Council under the Heritage act 1995.
The National Archives were established under the National Archives Act 1986 and is still active. It took over the functions previously performed by the State and Paper Ofice 1702 and the Public Records Office of Ireland 1867.
The National Salmon Commission was established in 2000 and ceased under the Inland Fisheries Act 2010.
The Arts Council was established in 1951 under the Arts Act 1951 and is still active. The Arts Act 1973 and 2000.
The Central Bank was established under the Central Bank Act 1942. It replaced the Currency Commission under the Currency Act 1927. It became the Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland Act in 2004 and was reconstituted as the Central Bank under the Central Bank Act 2010.
The Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland was established in 2003 and remerged into the central bank in 2010 under the Central Bank Act.
The Commission for Public Service Appointments was established in 2004 under the Public Services Management Act 2004.
The currency commission was established in 1927 under the Currency Act 1927 and replaced by the Central Bank under the Central Bank Act 1942.
The Dublin Docklands Development Agency was established in 1997. The Grangegorman Development Agency was established in 2006 under the 2005 act.
The Houses of the Oireachtas commission was established in 2004 under the Houses of the Oireachtas Commission Act.
The National Asset Management Agency was established in 2009. The National Economic and Social Development Office was established by a 2006 act. The following non-statutory bodies were dissolved and incorporated into it;
the National Economic and Social Council,
the National Economic and Social Forum,
the National Centre for Partnership and Performance.
The National Gallery of Ireland was established in 1854 and is still active. The National Treasury Management Agency was established in 1990. It took over from the Department of Finance responsibility for the shareholding in credit institutions supported by the State.
The Ordnance Survey Ireland was established in 1824. It operated as part of the civil service under the Department of Finance from 1924 to 2002. It became a state enterprise under the Ordnance Survey Act 2001.
The special European Union programs body was established under the British Irish Agreement Act 1999.
The State Claims Agency was established in 2001 under the auspices of the National Treasury Management Agency. Waterways Ireland was established in 1999 under the British Irish Agreement Act, 1999.
The Western Development Commission was established under the Western Development Commission act 1998.
Anglo Irish Bank was taken over by the state under the Anglo Irish Bank Corporation Act 2009.
Sealúchais Árachais Teoranta was a holding company for the assets of the former Irish Insurance Corporation of Ireland and administration.
The Temple Bar Cultural Trust was established in 1990.
The National Sustainable Development Partnership was established in 1999.
The Dormant Account Board was established in 2006.
The ERDF and Cohesion Fund Control unit was established in 1998.
The Government Information Bureau was established in 1934 and replaced by the Government Information Service in 1973.
The Industrial Development Authority was established in 1949 and merged with Eolas and various subsidiaries, under the Industrial Development Authority Amendment act 1993.
The Irish Folklore Commission was established in 1935, and its archives were transferred to UCD. It ceased in 1971.
The National Centre for Partnership and Performance was established in 2001 and was placed on a statutory footing as part of the National Economic and Social Development Office under the 2006 Act.
The National Economic and Social Council was established in 1973 and is now part of the National Economic and Social Development Office.
The National Economic and Social Forum was established in 1993 and was given new roles; in 1997, monitoring national policy processes and in 2003, convening consultations on public policy issues. It is now part of the National Economic and Social Development Office. It has been absorbed into the National Economic and Social Council.
The National Forum on Europe was established in 2001 and ceased in 2009.
The National Heritage Council was established in 1988 and was succeeded by the Heritage Council in 1995. The National Industrial and Economic Council was established in 1963 and succeeded by the national economic and social council in 1973. The national savings committee was established in 1955 and ceased in 1984.
The national statistics board was established in 1986 and put on a statutory basis in 1986. The NBP statutory evaluation unit was established in 1996.
The President’s Award was established in 1985 and is still active.
The central statistics office was established in 1949 as an executive agency.
The Chief State Solicitor’s office was established in 1924.
Culture, Ireland was established in 2005.
The Geological Survey of Ireland was established in 1845 under the Geological Survey Act 1845.
The Government Information Services was established in 1973 and is still active.
The national botanic gardens were established in 1878. They were founded in 1795, and they came under state control in 1878.
The Ordnance Survey of Ireland was established in 1824. It operated as part of the civil service under the Department of Finance until 2002 when it became a state enterprise under the Ordnance Survey Act 2001.
The Public Appointments Service was established under the Public Service Management Act/
The State Papers office was established in 1702 and merged into the National Archives in 1988.
The Institute of Public Administration was established in 1957. It became a company limited by guarantee in 1963 and a recognised college of the National University of Ireland in 2002.
The Irish investor compensation company limited was established in 1998.
The Irish Manuscripts Commission was established in 1928 and is still active. The Irish Museum of modern art was established in 1991 recognised under the National Cultural Institutions Act 1997.
The Irish Stock Exchange was established in 1995 on a statutory basis. Its roots stretched to 1793. It was formerly the Irish unit of the international stock exchange of the UK and Ireland.
The Irish Takeover Panel was established under the Irish Takeover Panel Act 1997.
The National Concert Hall was established in 1981 as a company. The National Lottery was established under the National Lottery Act 1986.
The National Theatre Society Ltd. was established in 1925. It was dissolved, and all of its assets were transferred to Abbey Theatre Amharclann na Mainistreach in 2006.
The National Museum of Ireland was recognised under the National Cultural Institutions Act 1997 and is still active. It consists of four separate museum buildings, archaeology and history, 1890, decorative arts and history in 1997, natural history, 1857 and country life in 2001.
The National Museum of Science and Art became part of the National Museum of Ireland in 1997. It had been established as the Dublin Science and Art Museum in 1877 under an act of that year.
The Royal Irish Academy was established in 1785 and is still active. The Royal Irish Academy of Music was established in 1848 and is still active.
The Valuation Office was established by the Valuation Ireland Act 1852 and again the Valuation act 2001 and is still active.